A downloadable game

CONCEPT: A top-down pseudo tower defense game about a spider queen defending her brood


WHAT I LEARNED: This was a really rushed concept as I had changed my game halfway through. My main focus for this project even though I'm not as proud of it as the others, was on static classes and using namespaces as well as virtual & override methods. This was the first time I learned how to make static instances that will persist over the game even when new scenes are loaded using Don'tDestroyOnLoad methods as well as OnAwake and OnEnable methods to initialize certain functions.

WHAT I WOULD IMPROVE UPON: This project -- even though it's one of the ones I'm least proud of, still taught me a lot especially on backend and how to organize my code and make it more efficient too. Along with Dreadcrest I would not redo it as it simply isn't a fun enough concept for me to care about. But if I did, I would firstly fix the spider's controller and animations as well as make the entire theme consistent. The spider, the eggs, and the slimes all seem to come from different artistic directions and it makes the game confusing. Also, the LIGHTING!!! my god.

Updated 19 days ago
Published 21 days ago


defendeggs.zip 67 MB
defendtheeggs.pdf 1 MB

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